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5 µm (PM2. Studies of children suggest stronger effects of pollution among boys in early life, as compared to girls who have more susceptibility to pollution in later childhood.Q. The miniature size of the particles is directly linked to their potential for causing health problems.Ozone is a cause of worry. The readings in 2017, have shown that the winters had 397 microgram per meter cube, which is 6.5 µm and ozone 3 are amongst tsthe mo studied air pollutants, as it is found that they can get deeper into the lungs and some can also enter the blood stream. It is also one of the reasons for recurrent sore throats, coughs and breathing difficulties.Walnuts, beans and antioxidant-rich berries, avocados, cranberries and strawberries.5 of 35 microgram per meter cube or above is associated with 15 per cent higher mortality in the long run. Ozone, nitric oxide, sulphur dioxide and other gases qualify as human carcinogens, as they interact with organic and inorganic compounds.end-of when he went back to this country from Delhi.Can the deterioration of the lungs be reversed?In cases of bronchial asthma with proper medication and doctors’ guidance the condition can be reversed and kept in control to a large extent, although there is no permanent cure for it. Particles less than 10 µm in diameter can get deeper into the lungs and some may even get into the bloodstream.5) and O3 are amongst the most studied air pollutants.

These act as triggers, which affect the airways causing inflammation.  This difference in the gender susceptibility remains ambiguous, although some studies have postulated that:1 Women tend to metabolise pollutants rapidly as compared to men, resulting in higher toxicity levels. This then leads to increased mucus production, airway muscle constriction and the swelling of the bronchial membranes, leading to wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness.With the winter smog taking a toll on our lungs, breathing exercises and a diet rich in poultry and antioxidants can help keep them Healthy. Could breathing exercises help to keep them healthy?Breathing exercises can help improve the lung capacity, thereby improving exercise tolerance. Ground ozone also hurts plants and crops. What could be the quantum of exposure per day during the three months of winter and how would this exposure harm the human body?According to the World Health Organization, the recommended PM 2.3 Hormonal status, indoor and outdoor pollution exposure, duration Wholesale digital flow meter Suppliers and amount of exposure also play a role.Poultry, chicken, turkey and small poultry is good for the lungs.2 Men have larger distribution volume for chemical particles due to body stature, height, weight and fat mass and hence are less susceptible.Other exercises that can improve lung capacity are:Diaphragmatic breathingPursed-lip breathingRib stretchesNumbered breathingFood that keep the lungs healthy:Sufficient water to keep it from drying.


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"The pattern of melt-water flow decline, or the Rotameter Manufacturers low recession', was really intriguing and did not seem to match the patterns that have been reported for clean ice glaciers in the Alps or Svalbard in the Arctic Circle," said Irvine-Fynn. (Photo: Pixabay)The flow of water that supports hydro-electric and irrigation projects in the mountain regions of India and Nepal is regulated by hundreds of large icy ponds on some of the world's highest glaciers, a study has found.Researchers at Aberystwyth University in the UK have shown that the ponds, which form on debris-covered glaciers in the Himalaya, control the rate at which water from melting ice flows downstream."Runoff from glaciers in the local region is an important freshwater supply and is used for agriculture and hydro- electric power," said Neil Glasser from Aberystwyth University.Water flowing from glacierised catchments in the Himalaya is a critical water resource for mountain dwellers in particular.

The high-resolution measurements of water flow showed two unexpected patterns: first, the water volumes released by the glacier were out of phase with daily solar radiation, and second, temperature cycles and the rate of change in runoff after peak flow did not decline smoothly. By understanding these processes we can become more confident in our predictions of water security and ecosystem response in the Himalaya," said Irvine-Fynn, who led the study published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.With many covering an area of up to five times the size of an Olympic swimming pool, their hydrological role, specifically to the extent which they can store water on the glacier surface, has remained unknown until now.The team monitored the melt-water runoff from Khumbu Glacier, which descends from Mount Everest, for nearly 200 days through the summer monsoon season.Irvine-Fynn and colleagues uncovered the hydrological function of surface ponds on Khumbu Glacier in the Everest region of Nepal.


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Their accompanying cameras and sensors use up an additional half a watt to operate. "With this platform, we can do all kinds of optimizations, which allows tremendous power savings.Standard computer chips for quadcoptors and other similarly sized drones process an enormous amount of streaming data from cameras and sensors, and interpret that data on the fly to autonomously direct a drone’s pitch, speed, and trajectory."These experiments are also done in a motion-capture room, so you know exactly where the drone is, and we use all this information after the fact," Karaman says. As a result, the chip itself was able to store less data and consume less power.Each time the researchers tweaked the ego-motion algorithm, they mapped the version onto the FPGA’s gates and connected the chip to a circuit board. "But we found by designing the hardware and algorithms together, we can achieve more substantial power savings.This summer, the team will mount the FPGA chip onto a drone to test its performance in flight."The missing piece is the computers — we can’t fit them in terms of size and power," Karaman says.The key contribution of their work is a new approach for designing the chip hardware and the algorithms that run on the chip.""We are finding that this new approach to programming robots, which involves thinking about hardware and algorithms jointly, is key to scaling them down," Karaman says. They will present a new methodology and design, which they call "Navion," at the Robotics: Science and Systems conference, held this week at MIT. The streamlined chip performs all these computations while using just below 2 watts of power — making it an order of magnitude more efficient than current drone-embedded chips. They then implemented various versions of the algorithm on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA), a very simple programmable chip. "We need to miniaturize the computers and make them low power.

The new chip processes streaming images at 20 frames per second and automatically carries out commands to adjust a drone’s orientation in space."We think we can get this down to just a few hundred milliwatts," China alkaline battery Manufacturers Karaman says.Karaman, says the team’s design is the first step toward engineering "the smallest intelligent drone that can fly on its own.The team, led by Sertac Karaman, the Class of 1948 Career Development Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT, and Vivienne Sze, an associate professor in MITs Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, developed a low-power algorithm, in tandem with pared-down hardware, to create a specialized computer chip. They then fed the chip data from a standard drone dataset — an accumulation of streaming images and accelerometer measurements from previous drone-flying experiments that had been carried out by others and made available to the robotics community." He ultimately envisions disaster-response and search-and-rescue missions in which insect-sized drones flit in and out of tight spaces to examine a collapsed structure or look for trapped individuals.Memory savingsFor each version of the algorithm that was implemented on the FPGA chip, the researchers observed the amount of power that the chip consumed as it processed the incoming data and estimated its resulting position in space. "Traditionally, an algorithm is designed, and you throw it over to a hardware person to figure out how to map the algorithm to hardware," Sze says."Karaman and Sze’s co-authors are graduate students Zhengdong Zhang and Amr Suleiman, and research scientist Luca Carlone.Tweaking a formulaSpecifically, the researchers made slight changes to an existing algorithm commonly used to determine a drone’s "ego-motion," or awareness of its position in space. Reducing the number gates with co-design allowed the team to chose an FPGA chip with fewer gates, leading to substantial power savings."The group quickly realized that conventional chip design techniques would likely not produce a chip that was small enough and provided the required processing power to intelligently fly a small autonomous drone.


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“The last couple of years we’ve had some really bad warm spells in February where it gets to 60 degrees (Fahrenheit, 15 degrees Celsius). But that isn’t always the case, according to Melissa Smuzynski, public relations director for Ice Castles. “We grow the castle about two to three feet (a half-meter to one meter) at a time. The couple was married in September. (Photo: AP)At the center of the New Hampshire attraction stand six ice structures that are nearly four feet tall (more than a meter tall) and are lit from within by colored lights. The attraction, which moved to this year from neighboring Lincoln, draws tens of thousands of visitors each season. On last year’s visit, Schellinger got down on one knee and popped the question. “It’s an amazing creation. McCafferty and his son Dougie have come out to Ice Castles in North Woodstock, New Hampshire, a collection of ice tunnels, caverns and a 97-foot (30-meter) ice slide that cover an acre (half a hectare) of farmland that some have said are like something out of the movie “Frozen. “It was just awesome a great backdrop for sure. I’d really like to know how they actually built it. This is New Hampshire that shouldn’t happen,” he said. “When I proposed, it was blue, and then it went to purple,” recalled Schellinger, who returned for a visit with his wife Ashley a couple weeks ago.Beautiful Ice castle formed by few icicles looks like the castle from the movie Frozen.

This year, the attractions will stand until early March in most locations. She said some locations occasionally have had to cut their seasons short due to warmer winters but that “we haven’t noticed a long-term pattern over the years of our seasons becoming shorter.”The winter wonderland, one of six in North America, is built from scratch when the cold conditions allow the ice to sprout from the barren ground.“It’s quite magical, isn’t it?” McCafferty said.” But Pascuito says he dreads the warmer days. The astonishing visuals are complemented by a synchronized fantasy soundtrack playing throughout the venue. The icicles are then harvested by “ice artists,” who place them around more than 70 sprinklers. “When the movie ‘Frozen’ came out, that was a huge boost because now everyone says, ‘Oh, we get to see an actual ice castle,Pasciuto said. (Photo: AP)North Woodstock (New Hampshire): On a clear, frigid night in a courtyard made of walls of ice, Bruce McCafferty and his young son stand mesmerized, bathed in the pulsating rainbow light emanating from a flowmeters Suppliers series of stout ice formations.“Once we turn the sprinklers on, the water starts freezing to those icicles, making them grow together, bigger and bigger and thicker and thicker,” Pasciuto said.Evening view with LED lights beautifying the whole park. We want a nice long winter.Three years ago, Adam Schellinger started bringing his girlfriend on annual dates to the Ice Castles in New Hampshire, a three-hour drive from their hometown of Brooklyn, Connecticut.”The attraction starts small in December, when the site’s lead builder Matt Pasciuto and his team set up icicle farms: metal racks that are sprayed with water to allow icicles to grow on them overnight. (Photo: AP)On a recent sunny day, the massive ice walls shined with a glacial blue hue.The view of the park on a sunny day. The crowd immediately cheered.Snow tunnels are fun to hang around. (Photo:AP)After a mild start to the winter, the weather in New Hampshire this year has mostly cooperated with only a few days with above-freezing temperatures.[标签:标题] AP Published: Mar 1, 2019, 8:16 pm IST Updated: Mar 1, 2019, 8:16 pm IST New Hampshire has transformed into a fairy land, similar to the landscape from the movie Frozen. “We love the cold. After the sun went down, the castles burst with colors thanks to LED lights embedded in the ice.”end-ofTags: winter wonderland, new hampshire, frozen, lake genevaLocation: United States, New Hampshire.” Within a few weeks, the icicles have managed to cover the entire park, and some reach heights of 20 feet (six meters). Other parks are located in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin; Excelsior, Minnesota; Dillon, Colorado; Midway, Utah; and Edmonton, Alberta.


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5 lakh strong force."It was close to 11."With all the challenges were facing today, building this campus is a signal: Were here to stay - otherwise we wouldnt build," says Teichtal, who wears a traditional beard, a velvet kippah and a black caftan. Even at home, unlike an average Indian girl, Tanushree Pareek didn’t have to follow predefined paths in her life. "Both the accused are addicts who were tracked down to their residence in a slum pocket outside the Raey Road station on Wednesday. Moreover, she gave up her job as a lecturer to care for us," informs Tanushree, in a voice filled with gratitude towards her parents.15 pm and I was coming from Andheri to CST, the train had just left Reay Road and the train had begun to climb the Dockyard incline when they seemed to mf710 series intelligent electromagnetic flow converters have panicked. In fact, I couldn't stay focused on one thing for long. In the past four years, she has had very little time to interact with her family. There would be a terrible body ache, and often, frustration would creep in as you don’t get time for yourself," she confesses.. So, was it tough? "A lot," shares the young girl, who stood second in her batch, with three awards for her outstanding achievements in drill, all round best trainee, and public speaking.3 million). "My mother has always supported me and my sister — She has never asked us to help in kitchen.

Meanwhile, the motorman A. In her own words, two things kept her going.Germany has experienced a strong influx of Jews in recent decades and Berlin has the biggest Jewish community in Germany, with about 40,000 members."Mr Uprethi immediately informed the controlroom. We were trained in the same way, and taught the same things.Tanushree Pareek with her parentsEven so, it was rather extraordinary for a young girl to opt for a field job in a paramilitary force in a country where parents, and not kids, choose a career for their offspring.When Rabbi Teichtal and his wife Leah set out from Brooklyn to Berlin 20 years ago, they came with the goal of reaching out to this group, but also to the established German Jewry. If all goes to plan, the groundbreaking is scheduled for September and the entire campus is slated to be finished in late 2019. "Since, I have come half the way, I must complete the journey. Now that she is in the BSF, it is likely that she will get loads of opportunities to visit different parts of the country.The planned seven-story building will be dedicated to Jewish education, culture and sports, the first of its kind in Germany."Her father, Dr S. She was just 22 then. . Having just returned home to Bikaner after a grueling 53-week period of rigorous hardship, she is enthused and ready for action. Besides, my father always told me that whatever you do, you must give your best," she says. Its being funded by the federal government, Berlins state government, several German foundations and private donations. The sports centre will include an indoor basketball court and opportunities for soccer and other ball games. However, the real challenge came during the training. Now that she is back, she hardly finds time to relax.


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The Linac 4 is "the first key element of our ambitious upgrade programme", CERN chief Fabiola Gianotti said in a glass rotameters k 500g series statement, hailing its launch as a "remarkable accomplishment".In 2012, it was used to prove the existence of the Higgs Boson -- the long-sought maker of mass, also known as the God particle.A future goal for the LHC is to explore anomalies in the Standard Model that could indicate new dimensions. Mid-sized cars, SUVs and luxury cars will all attract 15 per cent cess, same as that for buses and vans that can carry more than 10 persons. Aerated drinks and lemonade will attract 12 per cent cess on top of the peak rate while pan masala gutkha will be charged 204 per cent cess on top of the peak rate from July 1, the scheduled date for rollout of the GST.

Branded gutkha will be slapped with a cess of 72 per cent, while smoking mixtures for pipes and cigarettes will attract a levy 290 per cent..Hybrid cars of more than 1500 cc engine would also attract 15 per cent cess.The new device "will considerably increase the potential of the LHC experiments" it added.Those experiments could possibly help explain dark matter and dark energy, of which we have no understanding but which together make up 95 percent of the universe.The Higgs fits within the so-called Standard Model -- the mainstream theory of all the fundamental particles that make up matter and the forces that govern them.Europes top physics lab CERN launched its newest particle accelerator on Tuesday, billed as a key step towards future experiments that could unlock the universes greatest mysteries.The Geneva lab has long voiced hope that an enhanced LHC may help uncover new particles, possibly proving the existence of extra space-time dimensions.

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German authorities approved some of the still-outstanding permissions earlier this month. Though New York-based, Chabad members are balancing valves mount in any position z 6200 series sent out as "Jewish messengers" around the globe with the aim of getting mostly unaffiliated Jews in touch with their religion. Those numbers are still a far cry, however, from Germanys flourishing Jewish community of more than 500,000 before the Nazi period, with some 120,000 Jews in Berlin alone.In the last two decades, the Chabad community in Berlin has kept growing and there are now around 600 to 700 families who regularly take part in the communitys offerings, Teichtal said.With the establishment of the new 7,000 square-metre (75,300 square-feet) campus, all Chabad schools will all be united under one roof and also offer more facilities, including a library, cafeteria, movie theatre, concert hall and a ballroom for weddings and other festivities.

Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal doesnt get much sleep these days, but says its well worth it.More than just a new facility, Teichtal sees the centre as a step toward Chabads goal of re-establishing a vibrant Jewish community in the former Nazi capital, in part by welcoming and integrating Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union and encouraging interactions with non-Jews."It should become a place where Jews and non-Jews can come together and meet," he said.Unlike most Jewish institutions in Germany, which are behind fences and tightly guarded against anti-Semitic attacks, Teichtal says he wants the Jewish campus to be open to everyone."

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"The design, cloth, thread and Rotameter Manufacturers the colour combination was given to us by the designers.The two brothers, who gave it their all to bring the outfit to life, are not even aware of how big the movie is. It was only a few days ago when someone put our photographs online and it went viral, did we realise how big the movie is.Sinéad O’Sullivan, the assistant costume designer of the movie, recently revealed that it was designed using aari work technique, a sequined embroidery chain stitch rooted in the Kutch area of Gujarat. Unfortunately, like most handicraft artisans in the country, Kasam and Juma too struggle to make ends meet. But, there is no fixed income," says Kasam. Many have appreciated our work and I hope this helps the handicraft industry.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, he said the president could be better at picking his battles. But it wont be him, the governor said, because "Ive run for every office and theres no more left."The governor disputed Trumps suggestion that immigration was a threat, casting it instead as an asset. It reminds me too much of the Berlin Wall," Brown said during an interview broadcast on Sunday on NBCs "Meet the Press. Politics is about addition, not subtraction."The wall, to me, is ominous. is ready to go within a couple of months, or not?"Asked what Trump could learn from Browns predecessor, former Republican Gov. "You dont treat human beings like that.

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The idea was digital flow meter Manufacturers to highlight this community and to question our level of misconception and judgement towards communities we don’t know. Most recently he created a sprawling mural in the Manshiyat Naser neighborhood of Cairo that spans 50 buildings and can only be viewed from a local mountaintop. I don’t know of it’s destiny, but I feel like there’s something I need to discover in this part of the world. Born in Paris to Tunisian parents, the artist has made facades across the globe his canvas. "So, I used this quote ‘it is impossible until it’s done’.

New York, Paris, Cairo, Jeddah and Melbourne may have distinct landscapes, but they all share one common physical trait — a massive wall that acts as a backdrop for the works of El Seed. His goal? To create a dialogue and promote tolerance as well as change global perceptions of what Arabic means.After making his mark in Europe and Africa, El Seed’s new playing ground is Asia. I’m really interested to discover," he gushes.Even though his works are deeply embedded in Arabic sensibilities, propagating the language or Islam, was never on his mind, he assures.Says the 35-year-old artiste in an email interview, "When I was 16, I started painting on the streets.Lost Walls, Tunisia."I don’t want to use all those words.El Seed will speak at TEDx Gateway, on December 4, at Jamshed Bhabha theatre, NCPA, Nariman Point."Having said that, he doesn’t want to call himself either a calligraphy artist or a graffiti artist.Didouche, Algiers. Any specific city he’s looking out for? "It’s a surprise,"he signs off.’

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